Human resource management
Employees administration is a complex activity, which requires considerable capacity for management and updating.
Studio Brigaglia manages all fiscal and bureaucratic aspects related to employees and self-employed, in order to free our clients from the various duties.

Studio Brigaglia does all the procedures related to hiring and termination of collaborators, such as:
Elaboration of wages and INPS duties
Our service of wages elaboration and duties management is carried out by professionals dealing with:

Monthly salaries payments
Studio Brigaglia carries out on behalf of Clients the monthly payment of salaries of employees and collaborators and sending of corresponding pay slips to interested parties.
Processing of CUD models
We help our Clients to produce pay slips. We organise CUD models, we perform the operations of calculation of the fiscal balance and related communications to the employees.

Auxiliary services
We offer auxiliary services to the management of the human resources of our Clients’ companies.
We prepare ad hoc offers according to the needs of Customers, to respond in a comprehensive manner to their needs.
We can customize both the full range of services and individual requests – such as managing the payments of suppliers’ invoices – to make them more responsive to the specific needs of Customers.