Administrative services
In detail, Studio Brigaglia offers a package of personalized services to respond the specific need of its Customers.

We prepare and manage the contracts with utilities suppliers of various utilities (e.g. Enel, Tim, Abbanoa) and execute the related payments of invoices.
We make the control of suppliers’ papers and we verify that everything is done correctly.
We facilitate the relationship of the Client with the documentation pertinent to its activity.
Management of paperwork in Costa Smeralda
We help Clients to reduce costs arising from real estate by a punctual management of everything related to administrative and fiscal.
We follow payments and management of state properties procedures and the relations with Consorzio Costa Smeralda, Comune di Arzachena and with condominiums where the properties are located.
We handle the arrangement and calculation of taxes and we make the payments of local taxes (IMU; TARI), condominium expenses, state-owned and consortium fees on behalf of our Customers.
We offer a yearly, quarterly or monthly reporting and budgeting service in Excel format on the management of properties income and expenses related to the properties.
In this way we ensure maximum transparency on payments made and on the fulfilment of Law compliances.

We are available to assist and support the Client in choosing banking services dedicated to the management of current accounts opened at local banks, through which we pay each expense of our Client.
We organise and stipulate insurance policies to protect our clients’ real estate and mobile properties (cars, motorbikes, boats, etc.), as well as guarantee policies and state properties concession in Costa Smeralda.
Management and payment of suppliers’ invoices
We take care of receiving, organising and paying the invoices of our Customers’ suppliers for the services related to their activities.
We free you from the administrative and management duties related to the payment of taxes and suppliers.
We make every type of payment related to the services used by the client, for example:

Payment of waste taxes (TARI)
We pay on behalf of our Customers waste taxes (TARI) related their properties.
Payment of municipal property taxes
We make the payment of municipal taxes deriving from clients’ real estate.
We make payment of consortium, condominium and state taxes.
We prepare ad hoc offers according to the needs of Customers, to respond in a comprehensive manner to their needs.
We can customize both the full range of services and individual requests – such as managing the payments of suppliers’ invoices – to make them more responsive to the specific needs of Customers.