Hi, How Can We Help You?

Company consulting

Corporate consulting

We provide a completely assistance from the establishment phase of companies to the management and definition of Statues.

Our experts assist Clients during changes of the Statues and for extraordinary operations that could affect the life of the company, as well as: mergers, scissions, transformations, terminations and liquidation.

Our office will be able to assist Customer during the management of various kinds of contracts, guiding him to the best choice for his corporate and personal necessities.

We collaborate with other experts in the sector (lawyers, notaries, engineers and architects) to offer our Clients timely solutions for every type of business or private problems.

Any type of service is customizable.

We prepare ad hoc offers according to the needs of Customers, to respond in a comprehensive manner to their needs.

We can customize both the full range of services and individual requests – such as managing the payments of suppliers’ invoices – to make them more responsive to the specific needs of Customers.